Will Contest

To contest a will you must act quickly – our experienced team is ready to protect your rights

To be successful in a will contest, it is key to retain a highly experienced probate litigation lawyer to defend the true intent of the decedent. Challenging a will is difficult, but not impossible with the right representation.

A will may be contested on several grounds, including:

Improper Execution – A will must be properly signed and witnessed in order to be valid. A will may be contested on the grounds that the legal requirements for the execution of a will have not been met.

Mental Competence of the Testator – A will may be declared void if proved that the testator was senile, delusional or of unsound mind at the time it was written and signed.

Will Was a Result of Fraud or Undue Influence – A will may be invalid if proved that a testator has been coerced or improperly compelled to execute a will he or she would normally not have made. A fraudulent will is one that is signed based on false statements made to the testator.

It is important to be aware of the time constraints in estate litigation matters. Prompt action is
necessary to contest a will or you may forfeit what you are entitled to. It is critical to get expert legal advice without delay.

For a free case evaluation please call (516) 535-0191 or fill out the form inquiry.

To consult with an Estate Litigation attorney, fill out the form below

    We are a New York Law Firm that handles cases in the Five Boroughs, and Nassau and Suffolk Counties.

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