
Condominium Common Charge Lien Foreclosures

Trust and Estates
Corporate & Small Businesses

When the board of managers of a condominium needs to pursue various sums owed by unit owners, in the aggregate referred to as common charges, the action is in the form of a mortgage foreclosure-hence this group is appropriately headed by Bruce J. Bergman, author of the definitive four volume treatise Bergman On New York Mortgage Foreclosures, LexisNexis Matthew Bender. The common charge action adds different nuances to the case, among them, filing of the common charge lien, issues as to rental of the units, receivers’ role, relationship to homeowner association sums, and amounts permitted as common charges per the condominium declaration and by-laws. Understanding these and other unique aspects of this process contribute significantly to efficient prosecution of this type of foreclosure.

ATTORNEYS PRACTICING IN Condominium Common Charge Lien Foreclosures